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Health book: TIPS YOU NEED TO LEARN NOW in order to loose weight quickly

By now, you might have heard of the word keto. We are going to review the Custom Keto Diet, which claims to help you reach your fitness goals within eight weeks.

So what does it contain? How does ketosis work? Will it work for you? What are the sacrifices you need to make? Is the plan affordable?

We’ll find these and a lot more answers to questions regarding the Custom Keto Diet to help you decide whether you want it or not

Yes, it can’t get more obvious; this is a custom diet plan that helps you lose weight using a comprehensive diet program based on ketosis.

If you have been following weight loss programs lately, you would know keto is the buzzword these days. Ketosis is the process in which you starve your body of carbohydrates.

As a result, your body resorts to the last option- the fats to lose weight. By burning fat, the body produces ketones in the body tissues for energy.

Since ketosis uses fat to burn energy, you need to replenish the amounts of fat in your body. Yes, you can’t just depend on the stored fats.

Otherwise, you will feel a lot of weakness and other issues related to starvation. So you are now going to burn fats instead of carbohydrates for energy. Simple, right?

Well, it isn’t that simple. Forcing your body into ketosis comes with a lot of side effects. The most prominent of these side effects is the keto flu.

The body has traditionally been used to burning carbohydrates for energy. Starving it for carbs results in nausea, fatigue, headache, constipation, and other such symptoms.

Not doing the ketosis right can result in a lot of struggle. But Robert Rachel has a diet plan that makes it easy to adapt to the  keto lifestyle

The common misconception about ketosis is that it isn’t dependent on your body type, fitness goals, and metabolism. The keto diet, in fact, has to be personalized.

So is the Custom Keto Diet plan the same as thousands of diet plans scattered over the internet? Well, the short answer is no.

Experienced nutritionists, chefs, and trainers have intricately designed the program for a variety of needs. The diet plan promises to help you lose weight in under eight weeks.

The plan takes into account a variety of factors like BMI, body type, the fitness goals you want to reach, and lifestyle like working hours, and so on. 

The diet plan which will come for you will be a result of personalized analysis based on your needs. The diet plan is an online guide so that you can carry it everywhere.

You don’t even have to wait for the package to arrive. Just a click, and it will be available on your laptop and mobile screensKeto diet

The diet plan is as comprehensive as it gets. It introduces you to the world of ketosis and how ketosis works.

You’ll find a plethora of information divided into various sections on how ketosis helps control blood pressure, lose weight, among other benefits.

You’ll also get a list of foods you can eat from your favorite fast-food chains. It contains a host of recipes, including smoothies, party snacks, bacon, desserts, and more. 

Renowned chefs have created these recipes. Although you can get some of this information for free over the internet, it hides among a host of misinformation.

Before moving on to the analysis of the content sections and other details about the diet plan, here’s a summary for those who hate to wait.


Losing weight should never come with life-endangering or health deteriorating side effects. You can’t be feeding your body harmful additives that burn fat the wrong way.

Custom Keto Diet contains homemade recipes made of natural ingredients that would provide an array of benefits other than weight loss.

Ketosis is a proven process that is helping many individuals lose weight without the burden of sacrifice. The diet contains information about the nutrition you’ll get while consuming each recipe. You don’t have to worry about mistakes as it is a step-by-step guide.

A host of Lip Smacking recipes
Diet plans can be boring and tough. You are sacrificing the love and happiness of eating delicious cheesy steaks and lasagne, among others.

But this diet provides plenty of food choices that blend tastes with nutrition in the right amount. Moreover, it doesn’t bind you. You will get a variety of options for each meal so you can quickly replace anyone as per your convenience.

It has it all
You can’t be spending on a diet plan and then searching here and there for every little confusion. The diet plan contains every bit of information you would need about keto, so it’s time to bid goodbye to your dietician and end your expensive subscription there.

At $37, Custom Keto Diet is one of the cheapest ones in the market right now. Moreover, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee if it doesn’t help you lose weight in the said period. It’s hardly a surprise because following the plan will surely help you reach your fitness goals to some extent.


You’ll still experience the keto flu. Nothing can stop you from experiencing the symptoms. Thankfully the symptoms like nausea, irritability, and headache are always permanent.

What is Custom keto diet? Is It Genuine?
Custom Keto Diet is a keto-based diet plan by famous nutritionist Rachel Roberts. The diet plan is comprehensive and contains an array of bonus readers apart from the customized diet plan.

You’ll find a lot of supplementary readers that provide essential information that keeps you motivated. Moreover, the diet contains a set of videos to help you with the exercises to reach higher fitness goals.

But that’s not it. The plan also has a customizable list of meal plans and grocery lists. You can choose from a host of ingredients and recipes as per your liking.

Just understand the process, stock the products, and make delicious meals besides losing weight. But since we can’t go into detail of each recipe and the whole plan, we need something to put our trust in.

So, we researched a bit about Rachel Roberts and found some credible pieces of information. Rachel Roberts is a well-known dietician and fitness expert. 

Since she struggled with stubborn body fat for a long time, we can trust her first-hand experience. Indeed she tried and tested a large number of diet plans before creating this one.

The issue with her and most of us is that we don’t stick to one plan. Moreover, a lot of times, we choose generalized plans that are kind of a hit and miss.

You never know what works for you. And spending money and personal dieticians can become cumbersome in your pocket quickly.

Rachel thus made an affordable diet plan that caters to all. She has compiled recipes that contain a variety of readily available ingredients that you can make at home.
Moreover, she has put in other recipes to ensure you only get what you need from the diet plan. You won’t need to switch away from this diet plan because it is so flexible.

The plan helped Rachel lose a lot of weight, and more importantly, she learned to get into a healthy lifestyle the easy way.

Content of the Program 

Subsequent to buying the Custom Keto Diet, you'll right away get an email containing the complete eating routine arrangement. You can peruse it from your cell phone as well, and along these lines convey it all over. 

The main thing you'll discover in the arrangement is an Introduction to the Keto diet. It's fundamental to figure out how it functions with the goal that you can prepare your psyche to mix into the way of life. 

You'll become acquainted with the rundown of advantages the keto diet gives. There's additionally a section that discussions about the connection between circulatory strain and a ketogenic diet. 

The significant data will cause you to comprehend the cycle and maintain it in the most ideal manner. You'll likewise discover a ton of fundamental keto tips and hacks that will tell you what to do in case you're not inclination hungry or in the event that you don't have a few staple goods accessible. 

It additionally accompanies a lot of fundamental extra perusers, including the accompanying: 

Keto Fat Bombs 

Keto Party Snacks 

Keto Savory Foods 

Keto Peanut Butter Threats 

Keto Bacon Recipes 

Keto Chocolate Treats 

Keto Cookies 

Keto Avocado Recipes 

 Does It Work for Everyone? 

All things considered, it's an emotional inquiry, however the Custom keto dietis the response to getting in shape for any individual who strictly follows the eating routine. Be it male or female, youthful or old, the keto diet obliges everybody. What's more, whenever matched with an excellent fat killer, the outcomes will become evident even sooner. 

Obviously, there'll be special cases like individuals with Diabetes should counsel their PCP prior to purchasing the arrangement. The high-fat food can have an unfavorable response on individuals determined to have heart ailments. 

Delivery and Returns 

You will not have to stand by eagerly and maybe annoyingly for seven days to get your eating regimen plan. You can begin that very day as you request since it gets conveyed in PDF design through the email. 

On the off chance that you would prefer not to be on screen a significant part of the time, you can take a print and balance it on your room divider or refrigerator. The eating regimen plan likewise accompanies a 60-day unconditional promise. 

You need to share the verification that you followed the eating regimen eagerly. You can share pictures of when with a timestamp to guarantee your discount. The 100% discount typically measures inside seven days of mentioning it. 

How Can It Work? 

The Custom keto diet is an adaptable methodology that expands your odds of being reliable with the arrangement. You will not consider surrendering on the grounds that you're not forfeiting a lot. It doesn't confine you to a bunch of rules that you probably won't have the option to follow. 

It works in a two-venture measure. It would initially attempt to think about your way of life and afterward let you pick the sort of dinners you can eat. They have alternatives for vegetarians just as in-your-face nonvegetarians. 

The interaction of ketosis begins inside seven days, and you'll see huge outcomes in the two months. Here are the means to Custom Keto Diet: 

Select the Activity level: 

You need to choose that you are so dynamic to allow the eating routine to design settle on the correct feast decisions for you. Here are your alternatives: 

Habitual slouch 

Fairly dynamic 

Normal movement 


Very dynamic 

Select your favored food things: 

Meat Section 

You need to choose the wellspring of protein you like in this segment. The veggie lovers additionally have the alternative to pick no meat so you can avoid this progression. You can browse pork, hamburger, chicken, fish, bacon, and no meat. 


You should pick at any rate one vegetable from the accompanying choices: 







Other fundamental things 

You can likewise look over the accompanying flavorful food things to remember for your arrangement: 







How to Use Custom keto diet

You should be reliable with the eating routine intend to guarantee great outcomes. You can't simply skip or cheat each and every other day and anticipate results. 

Your body needs to figure out how to consume fats, and you need to keep away from carbs carefully. It's valuable to follow the proposed exercise plan alongside following the suppers given in the feed appropriately. 

The most ideal alternative is to load up staple and frozen things toward the beginning of the week. You would then be able to follow the arrangement without stressing over going to the store often. 

Who Should and Who Should Not Use it? 

Who Should Use it 

Individuals who are searching for a practical eating routine arrangement that can assist them with getting in shape without causing them to starve or forfeit a lot 

Individuals who are hoping to construct muscles and become torn can likewise follow the keto diet 

More established grown-ups who can't follow an activity plan will profit exclusively from following this eating routine. 

Who shouldn't utilize it 

Individuals with hidden heart issues, just as Diabetes and different infections, should initially counsel their PCP. 

Minors and pregnant ladies ought to keep away from the high-fat weight reduction diet. 

The most widely recognized and maybe a solitary result of a keto diet is the keto influenza. The brief condition can leave you with serious indications like mind mist, queasiness, cerebral pain, peevishness, heartburn, and sleep deprivation. 

You can't keep away from these conditions as various pieces of your body are attempting to adjust to the test you are giving them. The side effects can last anyplace between a week and can go as long as a month in uncommon cases. 

Custom keto diet is just accessible on their authority site. You'll get the computerized duplicate after you fill in your subtleties and address the limited cost of $37. You don't have to pay any membership charges and will get all the material in this one-time expense. 

Summarizing: Should You Get Custom Keto Diet? 

Custom keto diet is exactly the thing foodies are searching for. It is for the individuals who can't contain their adoration for chocolate, cheddar, and different indulgences yet need to be fit as a fiddle. 

Furthermore, with a 60-day unconditional promise, we are getting an affirmation not accessible with some other eating regimen plan. At $37, it merits a venture. However, it's just for the individuals who are prepared to deal with the impacts of conceivable keto influenza and follow the eating routine strictly.Conning dinners would mean bamboozling yourself, and you'll wind up getting fatter and heavier.
Custom Keto diet review
Reviewed by Andy Sundayon March 16 2021
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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