
Treating Age Spots


These little, level, dim regions on your skin will not damage you, so you don't need to treat them. However, on the off chance that you don't care for what they look like, you can make the spots less observable or even make them vanish. You likewise can prevent new ones from framing and keep the ones you have from getting hazier.


Skin-Lightening Creams and Lotions

woman using cream

You can discover loads of skin-easing up items at the pharmacy. Be that as it may, before you purchase, check the fixings. Search for creams that contain tranexamic corrosive, niacinamide, or kojic corrosive. Remember: For creams to work, you'll need to utilize them routinely for quite a long time or months. Furthermore, they may bother your skin.


Beware of Mercury


Make sure nothing on the label suggests your skin lightener contains mercury. It can damage your liver and nerves. People who get close to you while you wear products containing mercury can develop serious health problems, too. You might see the words “mercury” or “mercuric” on the bottle or tube. But products with mercury might also list any of these ingredients: calomel, cinnabaris, hydrargyri oxydum rubrum, or quicksilver.


Get a Prescription

rx pad

It’s OK to try drugstore products. But a dermatologist could save you time and money on creams that may not work. Your doctor can help figure out which formulas, if any, will be best for your skin. Prescription remedies are stronger than the ones you can buy over the counter. They usually have hydroquinone. Sometimes they have retinoids or a mild steroid, too. You’ll still need to use them regularly for months.


Age Spot Procedures

doctor talking to patient

If you want to get rid of dark spots fast, a procedure that removes layers of discolored skin may work better than a lightening cream. These techniques include laser treatments, freezing (cryotherapy), dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, microneedling, and chemical peels. Keep in mind that procedures cost more than creams. They also come with more risks. Your doctor can help you weigh your options.


Laser Treatment


Your doctor can use narrow beams of light to get rid of the cells that are causing your age spots without damaging the rest of your skin. You’ll probably need more than one treatment for it to work. Lasers might make your skin crust at first or darken your spots. But these side effects usually go away quickly.


Freezing (Cryotherapy)


Your doctor will put liquid nitrogen on your skin for a few seconds. This will freeze the areas where the spots are. As your skin heals, it should get lighter. This treatment can be painful and may cause irritation, swelling, blisters, or redness. There’s a chance it could cause scars or darker patches, too.




For this procedure, doctors use a rapidly spinning brush to sand down your spotted skin so new skin can replace it. You may have to do it more than once. The process can cause redness, scabs, and swelling. It could also take a long time for your skin to heal and look normal again.




Microdermabrasion uses tiny crystals to “sand” the skin instead of a spinning brush. It’s easier on your skin than dermabrasion. But you’ll need to have the treatment many times over months to fade your age spots. It might make your skin red or flaky.




In this procedure, the doctor uses fine needles to make tiny, evenly spaced holes in your skin. Your body responds to the little wounds by growing fresh collagen and elastin -- signs of youth -- to heal them. This response can improve the look of age spots and other skin damage.


Chemical Peel

chemical peel

Your doctor will apply an acid-based solution to remove layers of skin where you have age spots. New skin will take its place. You might have to do it more than once to get the results you want. This procedure may cause scarring, infection, or changes in your normal skin color.


Can Foods Help?

lemon juice

You may have seen that certain ingredients in your kitchen like lemon juice, oatmeal, or honey can help with age spots. While these things aren’t going to hurt your skin, they probably won’t do much for your age spots. If you really want those spots to fade, it’s best to use products or procedures that your doctor recommends.


Try Some Makeup

mature woman putting on makeup

No matter which treatment you choose, getting rid of those age spots will take time. In the meantime, you could try using makeup to cover them up and make them harder to see.


Age Spot Prevention


To keep age spots lighter and avoid new ones, try these tips. Avoid the sun, especially at times when it’s most intense. Use a good, broad-spectrum sunscreen before you go outside, and reapply often. Wear gloves, a hat, or other clothing to protect the areas where you have age spots.


Consider Your Skin Type


Age spots are more likely if you have fair skin. But people with any skin color or type can get them. A doctor can help you decide the best way to fade age spots, given your skin color and type or other things.


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