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Do carrots help burn fat?: weight loss.

The islands of the types of root vegetables, and the advantage of low its content of carbohydrates , unlike many of the root vegetables , starchy, and can use its roots in the preparation of the authorities, soups, and many of the dishes, and can be eaten raw as a snack, it is worth mentioning that the islands raw has less glycemic index of cooked carrots. [1]

The effect of carrots on fat burning
Carrot juice is characterized by containing small amounts of calories, and it is a healthy drink that enhances the feeling of satiety, so eating it as an alternative to carbonated and sugary drinks can help lose weight faster, and this juice also helps to increase the secretion of bile. ), which in turn increases metabolism, and this juice also contributes to the breakdown of fat, as one study showed that enhancing the flow of this juice in mice led to an acceleration of metabolism and weight loss. [2]

Health benefits of carrots
Carrots contain several antioxidants, vitamins , and minerals, and eating them can provide several health benefits for the body, and some of these benefits are as follows: [3] [4]

Enhance eyesight: Eating this type of vegetable helps provide the body with vitamin A , as carrots are rich in this vitamin, the deficiency of which can lead to xerophthalmia in the eyes; It is a progressive disease of the eye that can harm normal vision and lead to night blindness, or the inability to see in dim light or darkness, and the deficiency of this vitamin is one of the main causes of blindness in children, and it is worth noting that it does not produce Positive changes in vision when eating carrots in most people, except in cases that suffer from a deficiency of this vitamin.
Control blood sugar levels : Phytochemicals and antioxidants in carrots can help regulate blood sugar levels, and about a quarter of the carbohydrates in carrots are sugar, but this type of vegetable is low. Carbohydrates, as the glycemic index of carrots is 39, which is a low indicator; That is, it has a low effect on the level of sugar in the blood.
The possibility of reducing the risk of cancer: it was found that carotenoids (in English: Carotenoids) have anti-cancer effects, due to their antioxidant capacity; Which is based on reducing free radicals in the body, and studies have shown that eating foods rich in these compounds is associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer , but this link still needs more study, and some other studies have shown that taking beta-carotene supplements present Carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer by 21%, and can also reduce the risk of colorectal cancer (English: Colorectal Cancer), but these same supplements can increase the risk of lung cancer. In smokers, on the other hand, one study found that carrot juice extracts can kill leukemia cells and inhibit its progression.
Prevention of high blood pressure: Carrots contain good amounts of potassium and dietary fiber, and the American Heart Association recommends the importance of a diet rich in these fibers, and to increase the amounts of potassium intake, while reducing sodium consumption , in order to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, and diseases the heart.
Promote digestion: Carrots contain high amounts of dietary fiber. These fibers help maintain a healthy digestive system , increase waste volume, reduce constipation , and protect against the risk of colorectal cancer.
Promote oral health: Eating carrots enhances the secretion of saliva, which fights bacteria, foreign bodies that cause tooth decay, and bad breath.
Boosts immunity: carrots are a good source of vitamin C ; It is a vitamin that can stimulate white blood cells to reduce the risk of infection, and this type of vegetable also contains antiseptics and antibacterials. [5]
Improving cholesterol levels: carrots are characterized by their content of dietary fiber and carotenoids, and one study showed that eating this type of vegetable improves the body's absorption of cholesterol, increases the secretion of bile acids, and also improves the state of antioxidants, and it can Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. [6]
Reducing rheumatoid arthritis: Carrots are a useful vegetable to reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Orange vegetables contain beta-carotene and vitamin A; They are two of the elements that are believed to fight inflammation in the body, and it has been shown that cooking these vegetables increases the availability of these elements, and therefore it is recommended to eat these vegetables on a regular basis. [7]
Carrot nutritional value
The following table shows the nutrients content of 100 grams of fresh carrots: [8]

nutritional element the value
Calories 41 calories
water 88.29 milliliters
Protein 0.93 g
Fats 0.24 g
carbohydrates 9.58 grams
fiber 2.8 g
sugars 4.74 grams
Calcium 33 milligrams
Iron 0.30 milligrams
Magnesium 12 milligrams
phosphorous 35 milligrams
potassium 320 milligrams
Sodium 69 milligrams
zinc 0.24 milligrams
vitamin C 5.9 milligrams
folate 19 micrograms
Vitamin A 16,706 IU
Vitamin K 13.2 micrograms
