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Weight loss:How can you burn fat?

How can you burn fat?:

Add protein to the diet
Following a high-protein diet contributes to enhancing the feeling of satiety for long periods, accelerating the metabolism in the body, and thus increasing the process of burning excess calories in the body. [1]

Drinking unsweetened coffee
Coffee contains a high percentage of antioxidants, as it boosts energy levels in the body and speeds up the metabolism process, thus promoting the burning of fats and extra calories. [1]

The practice exercise the most effective in burning fat and calories in excess, and include aerobic exercise: walking, swimming, cycling, and is recommended at a rate of half an hour exercising at least daily. [2]

Doing weight lifting exercises
Weightlifting exercises contribute to building muscle by burning a high percentage of fat and extra calories, and it is recommended to practice them at least twice a week. [2]

Lifestyle change
Any additional movement in the lifestyle contributes to burning calories in the body, so it is recommended to change the lifestyle, by climbing the stairs more often, or doing different activities, such as: washing the car, gardening, and household chores. [2]

Sleeping enough hours during the night
A study showed that people who sleep enough hours between six and seven hours are less likely to accumulate body fat, compared to people who sleep less than five hours or more than eight hours a night. [3]

Other ways to burn fat
Drink a lot of water, as drinking water helps in promoting the process of burning extra calories in the body. [1]
Avoid processed foods rich in sugars, saturated fats, and calories. [1]
Avoid sugary sodas, energy drinks, and fruit juice. [1]
drinking unsweetened green tea; It has fat burning properties. [1]
Eat slowly and chew food completely; Because the brain takes about 20 minutes to reach the feeling of satiety and fullness. [4]
add spices to meals; It contains capsaicin, which speeds up the metabolism and enhances the feeling of satiety. 
