Lots of us live with muscle and joint pain, either part-time or full-time. Strenuous exercise, repetitive motion, old injuries, and just getting older can all contribute to aches and discomfort that aren’t life-threatening but can still be annoying.

There are many ways to manage painin everyday life, and it’s always best to try multiple methods to see what works for you. But more and more people are finding that their pain-management routine is enhanced with CBD.

CBD for Pain: Does It Work?

CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, a network of transmitters and receptors in the human nervous system. Research is still ongoing about its many properties, but the ECS plays a major role in regulating mood, memory, immune response, appetite, and other functions.

CBD and other active components of cannabis all can help keep this system in balance, which is why for centuries people have used cannabis to manage stress, pain, indigestion, and other issues. Unlike traditional cannabis, however, CBD does not contain THC and so does not get you high. While the properties of CBD are still being regulated and researched, many users have found that CBD for pain management helps them relax and eases both mental and physical discomfort.

CBD Products to Help Pain Management

There are many different types of CBD products on the market that can help a pain-management routine, depending on what your needs are. Some of the most useful include:

  • CBD topicals can target trouble spots because they often combine standard topical pain relievers, such as menthol and lidocaine, with CBD and other alternative herbal extracts.
  • CBD oil tinctures and CBD oil capsules are taken internally and so don’t target the problem area the way topicals do, but they can help you relax and relieve the tension that can further aggravate muscle pain.
  • CBD bath bombs combine CBD with the therapeutic benefits of hot water, which relaxes muscles and improves circulation, as well as bath salts and essential oils.
  • CBD sleep aids can help counteract the sleep disruptions brought by everyday pain with a combination of CBD and natural soothing ingredients like melatonin and valerian root.

If you’re not sure how much of a CBD product to take or in what concentration, check out this CBD dosage calculator to get you on the right track. Everyone’s experience with CBD is a little different, though, so feel free to adjust the amount if you feel the need. Regular use of the product(s) for a couple weeks – recommendations suggest at least 30 days – should give you an idea of whether you’ve got it right.

Choosing the Best CBD for Pain

There are many CBD sellers out there, but one company has continued to make headlines and break down barriers: cbdmd. As a leader in the CBD industry, cbdMD stands out as one of the most trusted brands in the field. So, you may be wondering, why cbdMD?

  • Quality ingredients, including CBD made strictly from USA-grown industrial hemp that’s third-party lab tested for purity
  • superior board spectrum formula enhances the benefits of CBD with other non-intoxicating cannabinoids and terpenes from hemp
  • World-class customer service, including a 60-day, money-back guarantee
  • All products made in the USA according to Good manufacturing practice standards
  • Endorsements from leading athletes like Bubba Waston and Daniel Cormier
  • Recognition with industry awards, including Product of the year