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Fat burning methods : Burn fat while you sleep.

Fat burning methods :
Burn fat while you sleep

1  Burning fat while sleeping
2  Factors affecting fat burning during sleep
3  foods that help you burn fat while you sleep
4  references
Burn fat while you sleep
How to burn fat while you sleep
How much does the body burn while sleeping?

Burning fat while sleeping
Many people assume that the human body burns fat more when awake, but the truth is the opposite. As the body slows down burning calories in a waking state in order to preserve its energy, and one study conducted on a group of people indicates that sleeping for an additional three hours increased their burning by an average of 400 calories, and they lost a greater amount of fat, and surprisingly, those who did not People who get enough sleep lose more muscle, due to the direct effect of sleep on the body's metabolism. [1]

Factors affecting fat burning during sleep
There are some factors that can affect the amount of calories burned during the night, and some of them can be used to increase fat burning , including the following: [2]

Eating before bed does not slow down the metabolism, but rather increases it temporarily through the process of thermogenesis; But it is necessary to pay attention to a snack to feel rested when sleeping.
Doing strength training exercises that increase muscle mass and thus lead to an increase in calorie burning. Some exercises can be done a few hours before bed.
Weight loss, which increases the body's metabolism.
Drinking caffeine, which can boost metabolism well; Although drinking caffeinated beverages before bed may make it difficult to get a restful sleep.
Avoid or use supplements with caution; It may contain some unsafe ingredients.
The presence of some health conditions and problems in the body, such as an imbalance in the thyroid gland, which may slow down the amount of metabolism.
Foods that help burn fat while sleeping
There are some foods that help burn fat during sleep, including: [3]

Citrus fruits, which contain vitamin C, which stimulates the body to burn fat; Because it dilutes it and contributes to its elimination.
Legumes, and contain proteins that take a long time to digest, which leads to burning more calories.
Dairy products, as eating dairy can increase weight loss; Because the calcium in it contributes to the burning of fat cells.
Whole grains; Because it contains nutrients that help burn fat, it also contains complex carbohydrates and fiber, which stimulates the metabolism in the body.
