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Weight loss:Ways to get rid of body fat.

Eat protein
Lean proteins are key to losing weight and getting rid of fat. Because it helps to feel full, in addition, it needs a little more calories than fats or carbohydrates to digest in the body, and eating protein in appropriate quantities helps in building and maintaining muscle mass, and muscle mass enhances the metabolism process. [1]

Increase your fiber intake
Soluble fiber absorbs water and is slowly digested through the digestive system; This leads to a feeling of fullness for longer, and according to some studies, eating more foods that are high in fiber may protect against weight gain and fat accumulation. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds are among the foods that contain It is high in fiber, which promotes fat burning and weight loss. [2]

Drink a lot of water
Calorie drinks, such as: alcohol, soft drinks, juices, sweetened drinks, and other drinks should be replaced with water; Because water helps keep the body hydrated, works optimally, and boosts metabolism. Drinking a glass of water half an hour before a meal helps prevent overeating; Therefore, you must keep drinking water throughout the day. [3]

Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates are low in fiber and nutrients; Because during the processing process the refined grains are stripped of bran and seeds, and they lead to changes in blood sugar; Which leads to increased feeling of hunger. [2]

According to one study, a diet high in refined carbohydrates may lead to an increase in belly fat, while people who eat a lot of whole grains have lower weight, lower mass index, and smaller waist circumferences. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the intake of refined carbohydrates to lose fat. [2]

Surgical liposuction
Liposuction is defined as a surgical procedure to remove subcutaneous fat in different parts of the body, such as: the waist, hips, and arms by using ultrasound, and it is a method that can be followed to reduce fat in a specific area of ​​the body. 
