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Weight loss:The most powerful fat burning exercises.

The most powerful fat burning exercises:

body fat
Some suffer from the problem of being overweight for several reasons, including an increase in fat and calories in the body, lack of exercise, psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety or fear, poor digestion, taking some medications, stress and fatigue, in addition to Old age and advancing age and the accompanying interruption of menstruation in women, for example, and many other reasons.

Getting rid of body fat
As for the desire to get rid of fat, we must limit sitting hours, and dispense with what reduces our movements such as riding cars and going up using the elevator, and staying away from eating fast food; Because it contains many calories, replace it with healthy foods that do not contain saturated fats as much as possible, and avoid eating quickly as well as lack of sleep, in addition to avoiding drinking alcohol.

Fat burning exercises
Aerobic exercise is one of the ways that help lose weight and reduce body fat, as it dispenses with expensive surgeries, or the use of drugs and drugs that have bad side effects on human health, and it is also useful and prevents weakness and lethargy of the body, as after about 20 -30 minutes from the beginning of the exercise, the body resorts to consuming the stored reserve of energy in the form of fat, and thus reduces the amount of fat present. The most important of these exercises are the following:

Bounce at least 45 times a day.
Zumba exercises are somewhat close to regular dance moves.
Aerobic exercises regulate and activate the blood circulation in the body, thus supporting and strengthening the immune system in the body, as well as improving the external appearance of the body by protecting it from exposure to flabbiness resulting from weight loss.
Carrying weights in proportion to the gender of the person carrying them (male or female).
Walking is one of the best fat burning exercises, as 50% of body fat is burned. Therefore, you should exercise at least 40 minutes of walking at a rate of three to four times a week.
Riding a bicycle and if you cannot ride it, it is possible to sleep on the back with the hands behind the head and take a cycling position, where we alternately bend the knee to the chest, and this exercise can be repeated from 12-24 times a day.
Swimming and strength exercises. Muscle-strengthening activities should be practiced three to four times a week.
It is not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach and before meals; Because this increases the feeling of hunger, which helps to eat a large amount of food, especially high-calorie foods, while eating a healthy breakfast or snack before exercise can reduce the desire to eat unhealthy meals.
