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Accelerating the metabolism process of burning and eliminating body fats.

How to burn fat by eating some foods:
Tamarind is one of the fruits used in many Indian dishes, and at the present time it is used as a means to lose weight, as studies have proven its ability to curb appetite and reduce body fat , by controlling levels of the serotonin enzyme responsible for promoting a feeling of satiety, and thus contributes to promoting Burning body fat, it also stimulates the body's ability to create new fat cells. [1]

Turnip is one of the most nutrient-rich vegetables on the planet, and is characterized by its ability to reduce appetite and rid the body of toxins, as four cups of turnip contain about 10 grams of fiber, and this amount is enough to rid the liver of toxins for 48 hours, and thus Reducing the body's desire to eat sugars and fat-causing pans. [2]

chia seeds
Chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids and protein that help suppress appetite and boost metabolism, and stimulate glucagon, one of the hormones responsible for burning fat in the body. Chia seeds are used to burn body fat by soaking them for a quarter of an hour until their size doubles twice. The original size is ten times, the larger its size, the faster the stomach will secrete hormones that enhance the feeling of satiety. [3]

fatty fish
Fatty fish, such as: salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, and others contain omega-3 fatty acids that play an important role in reducing body fat, and based on a study conducted on 44 adults for a period of six weeks, the loss of people who took fish oil supplements was observed. About half a kilogram of their weight, and a decrease in the level of the hormone cortisol responsible for storing fat in the body, and fatty fish contains high-quality protein that enhances the feeling of satiety and fullness, and increases the metabolic rate in the body, and to increase fat loss it is recommended to eat at least 100 1 gram of fatty fish at least twice a week. [4]

Chili pepper
Hot pepper contains capsaicin, an antioxidant that helps burn fat and achieve and maintain an ideal weight, by enhancing the feeling of satiety and fullness, and increasing calorie burning, and based on a study conducted on 19 healthy adults, where the number of Calories ingested by 20%, it has been observed that capsaicin works to resist the slowdown in the metabolic rate that usually occurs when reducing the number of calories, and many studies have concluded that taking capsaicin increases the rate of burning calories by about 50 calories per day. [4]

citrus fruits
Citrus fruits, such as: lemon, grapefruit, orange, guava, papaya, and tomato contain vitamin C, which stimulates the body's ability to burn and process fats, by accelerating the metabolism process, then diluting and eliminating fats. [5]
