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Focus on eating protein

Ways to burn fat:
muscle building exercises
The exercise sports increases the rate of burning body fat, especially building exercises force - Undecided Aladilat-; Because it requires more effort than aerobic exercise; Where studies have shown that these exercises reduced the percentage of fat surrounding the internal organs of seventy-eight people who suffer from the accumulation of fat around the waist area, and from strength exercises, weightlifting, and the use of gym equipment and others. [1]

Focus on eating protein
When following a diet, it is recommended that it be rich in protein; Because it promotes burning fat and building muscle mass and reduces appetite, where studies have found that its followers work to maintain muscle mass during the weight loss process and reduce the harmful effects of visceral fat - the fat around the internal organs -, and these foods include meat of all kinds, white and red, and dairy products, and legumes. [1]

Get enough hours of sleep
Studies have shown that there is a link between good sleep and increased fat burning, as the body must get at least seven hours of sleep per day, and it has been shown that those who do not get enough sleep have a greater tendency to gain weight compared to those who sleep sufficient hours. Other studies have found that sleep disturbance disrupts the hormones responsible for hunger, increases appetite and increases the risk of obesity. To get good sleep, it is recommended to refrain from stimulants such as caffeinated drinks and others, and to avoid using modern devices before going to sleep. [1]

Know the reasons for eating
Thinking about the reasons that motivate eating helps a lot in reducing it; There are many people who resort to it for reasons other than feeling hungry, in order to express feelings, for example, such as anxiety, tension, happiness and others, and it is recommended that they be expressed by doing physical exercises such as walking and avoiding food and sweets. [2]

walking mechanism
The walk is very useful and helps to burn fat, and to get the best results preferred to use a particular mechanism, which is not less than a period of walking for 45 minutes; To be a sufficient period to start burning stored fat, and to start walking slowly so that the heart rate is low, and then start to increase the speed during exercise to raise the heart rate, which helps prepare the body to start the process of burning the accumulated fat. [3]
