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Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to lose weight in your 50s, although hormonal changes and slower metabolism make it a bit more difficult. At 50, the goal of weight loss should first be a desire to feel good, and not to regain your youthful body. Here are 10 tips to help you get closer to a healthy weight.

1. Decrease your calorie intake 

2. Get into cardio 

Aerobic exercises (walking, running, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing, etc.) are excellent allies for getting back into shape. These activate large muscle masses, causing an increase in caloric expenditure during exercise. In addition, if the physical activity is at high intensity, this will have the effect of increasing the use of lipids at rest in the hours following exercise. The ideal is to do 30 to 60 minutes every day.

3. Train in intervals 

Cardiovascular interval training can be a big help in optimizing your weight loss. By boosting the metabolism more, this type of training burns more calories than constant cardiovascular activity of moderate intensity. Interval training involves doing short periods of high and low intensity effort. You can, for example, alternate periods of running and walking.

4. Do weight training sessions

Strength exercises are also very useful for optimizing energy expenditure and weight loss after 50, because the more muscle mass, the higher the basal metabolism and the more calories we burn (even at rest! ). Training with weights and apparatus is the best way to build muscle mass (which decreases with age).

5. Cut down on fat 

Fat has a big impact on weight gain. Adopting a diet low in fat is therefore an avenue to be favored. The amount of fat ingested should not exceed 30% of your total calorie intake. That said, watch out for hidden fats found in processed and prepackaged foods (crackers, cookies, pastries, cold cuts, etc.).

6. Eat more protein 

Proteins play an important role in controlling appetite. They provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety, which helps to control hunger. Your best bet is to eat foods that are high in protein but low in fat, such as cottage cheese, low fat yogurt, skinless poultry, and egg whites.

7. Choose whole grains 

Eating foods high in whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, multigrain pasta, etc.) can help you lose weight. Whole grains contain a high amount of fiber and slow carbohydrates that help you feel full and keep you fuller for longer. A recent study even found that replacing refined flours with whole grains increases basal metabolism and promotes weight loss.

8. Avoid heavy diets 

When the body is subjected to prolonged dietary restriction, muscle mass decreases, as well as basal metabolism. This means that you are not burning as many calories as you used to. In addition, by the end of the diet, you may gain weight quickly (often more than what you managed to lose!) Since your basal metabolism will be lower than it was before the diet.

9. Limit your alcohol consumption 

Alcohol is friendly, but also very caloric. In addition, alcoholic beverages often contain sugar, which further increases the “energy score”. By limiting your alcohol consumption, you can significantly reduce your calorie intake, which is not insignificant when it comes to losing weight after 50.

10. Have a good sleep

It might sound amazing, but getting good sleep can help you reach your goals. Studies have shown that sleep influences the production of certain hormones (leptin and ghrelin, in particular) which are involved in feelings of fullness and hunger. It is therefore scientifically proven: whoever sleeps dines!

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