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Weight loss:Drinks that help burn fat and lose weight.

Several studies have shown different reasons for the role of water in weight loss, a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2003 indicated that drinking 500 milliliters of water helped increase the metabolic rate by 30% in healthy adults, and the increase occurred Within 10 minutes after drinking the water, I reached my maximum after about 30 to 40 minutes. [1] 511

While a study published in the International Journal of Obesity volume in 2011 showed the effect of cold water on metabolic rate, results indicated that resting energy expenditure increased by up to 25% after drinking 10 milliliters of water. cold per gram of body weight in overweight children, and this effect lasted for more than 40 minutes, so consuming the recommended daily amount of water daily can help lose weight, and maintain a healthy weight after reaching it. [2]

A study conducted in Obesity magazine in 2011 indicated the role of water in reducing calories intake, as the consumption of adults and the elderly who suffer from obesity for approximately two cups of water before the three main meals, while following a low-calorie diet, may lead to loss of More weight compared to following a low-calorie diet only, which may help to increase the feeling of fullness, and thus reduce the calorie intake in the meal. [3]

A study published in Obesity in 2013 indicated that moderate amounts of coffee can reduce calorie consumption in the meal after drinking coffee and throughout the rest of the day, compared to reduced or no coffee consumption in overweight or obese participants, [ 4] Another study published in Clinical Physiology and functional imaging in 2015 indicated that drinking coffee and repeated cycles of low-intensity exercise enhanced fat oxidation in the post-exercise period, [5] as demonstrated by the results of a study published in The American journal. of clinical nutrition, that the caffeine in coffee stimulates the metabolic rate of healthy and obese people , in addition to raising the rate of fat oxidation in people of normal weight. [6]

To read more about this, you can refer to the article on the benefits of coffee on an empty stomach for slimming .

Tea is an aromatic drink widely popular all over the world, which is produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush (scientific name: Camellia sinensis), [7] as red tea, green tea, white tea, and Chinese tea are produced. Oolong tea) is one of these shrubs, [8] and the following is an explanation of the types of tea and their role in losing weight:

Green tea: A systematic review of 14 studies published in the Canadian Pharmacists Journal in 2014 indicated that drinking green tea over a 12-week period can reduce approximately 0.2 to 3.5 kilograms compared to a group that did not drink green tea. It is worth noting that this evidence It does not apply to green tea, which is usually prepared by soaking a tea bag in hot water. All studies used green tea extract, which has high concentrations of active tea compounds, including: catechins, and caffeine . [9]
To read more about this, you can refer to the article on the benefits of green tea for weight loss .
Matcha tea: Matcha is a type of green tea, and it contains a higher amount of catechins than regular green tea, making it a good choice for weight loss, [10] A meta-analysis of 11 studies published in the International Journal of Obesity volume indicated In 2009, the compounds catechin and caffeine had a positive and simple effect in losing weight and maintaining its stability. [11]
Black tea: The polyphenol compounds in black tea are more effective than those in green tea, as a study published in the journal Molecules in 2016 indicated that polyphenols in black tea have a positive effect in inhibiting obesity through several mechanisms, namely: fat and saccharide ( in English: saccharide), inhibition of digested and absorbed and thus reduce the calories consumed, and stimulate fat metabolism processes, and reduce levels of oxidative stress, but there is a need for more human studies studies on a multi - effect phenol in black tea in obesity, [12] has A laboratory study published in the European Journal of Nutrition in 2018 indicated that red tea contributed to weight loss, and positively affected the intestinal microflora, which plays an important role in weight loss. [13]
White tea: An in vitro study published in Nutrition & metabolism in 2009 indicated that white tea extract helped inhibit lipogenesis and stimulate lipolytic activity in human cells, but more studies are needed to confirm this effect. [14]
Herbal drink or herbal tea includes adding any kind of herbs, spices, or fruits to hot water, and it differs from traditional tea by not containing caffeine, [7] and an example of these herbs are the following:

Ginger: Ginger is one of the herbs used to help lose weight, and for other health purposes, however research has shown that ginger may not be effective in these cases, [15] and a preliminary study published in the journal Metabolism in 2012 indicated the possibility of a role Ginger can control weight, by stimulating thermogenesis of energy, and reducing the feeling of hunger when consuming ginger, but more studies are needed to confirm these results. [16]
Turmeric: There are no studies available about turmeric itself and its relationship to weight loss, but studies have indicated the active substance it contains, which may contribute to weight loss. In a preliminary study published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences in 2015, it was found that one of the available forms Vital of curcumin, which is the main component in turmeric, can positively affect weight loss in overweight people, and although the results are preliminary and more studies are needed to confirm them, the consumption of turmeric in the study led to a high percentage of weight loss from 1.88 % to 4.91%, and the percentage of fat loss increased from 0.70% to 8.43%. [17]
Moringa: An in vitro study on animals, published in Frontiers in pharmacology in 2018, indicated that Moringa extract can help reduce fat accumulation, by inhibiting fat formation and promoting its breakdown. [18]
vegetable juice
Eating whole vegetables as much as possible is the best option for health, as they lose a large amount of fiber when squeezing, however, consuming low-calorie vegetable juice can increase the share of vegetables consumed, and may help lose weight, [10] A study indicated It was published in Nutrition Journal in 2010, that consuming approximately 236.5 milliliters to 473 milliliters of vegetable juice per day increases the consumption of daily portions of vegetables, and significantly reduces the consumption of carbohydrates, regardless of whether they consume starchy vegetables or not. For people with obesity and metabolic syndrome to consume vegetable juice as part of a low-calorie diet that contributes to their weight loss. [19]

Another study, published in Scientific Reports in 2017, indicated that a 3-day vegetable-juice diet followed by a complete diet positively affected the gut microbiome associated with weight loss, dilation of blood vessels , and decreased fat oxidation. [20]

honey with cinnamon
A study published in the Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research in 2010 indicated that drinking a cup of boiled honey and cinnamon in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, and in the evening before bedtime can help lose weight, [21] but this benefit is not confirmed. Scientifically, it needs more studies to prove its effectiveness.

High protein drinks
There is a claim that high- protein drinks help lose weight and body fat, and in fact, protein shakes are not a magic way to lose weight, but replacing meals with high-protein drinks can help reduce daily calorie consumption, which may help in weight loss, but Eventually the person will need to start eating solid food again, which may cause weight gain again in the absence of a healthy and balanced diet, and relying heavily on protein shakes as an alternative to regular meals will lose the multiple nutritional benefits of whole foods. [22]

A study published in Nutrition & Metabolism in 2004 indicated that protein plays a key role in weight control, by promoting feelings of satiety, [23] and a small study published in the Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism in 2013 indicated that a mixture of proteins Whey and glucomannan helped reduce the desire to eat, and this effect has been linked to altering levels of the hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which plays an important role in regulating appetite, but more studies are needed. Prospectively on larger numbers of participants to study the effect of proteins on appetite, hunger and satiety hormones . [24]

It is worth noting that consuming large amounts of protein can cause problems in the bones, kidneys, and liver, [25] A review of 32 studies published in ISRN Nutrition in 2013 indicated that long-term high protein consumption could be associated with a range of Effects, such as: bone problems and calcium levels balance , kidney function disorders, liver function disorders, and increased risk of cancer. 
