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Lose weight 10 kilos in a week:Weight loss

Lose weight 10 kilos in a week
Weight loss

Weight gain usually occurs due to consuming more calories than the body needs, [1] As for weight loss, it occurs as a result of dieting and exercising, and usually what causes weight loss in most cases is the loss of fat mass in the body, but in Cases of a very severe diet, or a very large weight loss, the body may lose protein and other elements. [2]

It is worth noting that even a small percentage of weight loss provides many benefits for the health of the body; The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that losing 5-10% of body weight improves blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels as well. [3]

Is it possible to lose 10 kilos in a week?
Is it healthy to lose weight quickly?
Many people resort to some wrong way to lose weight; Such as: eating small amounts of calories, following strict diets (in English: crash diets), or exercising a lot, but a healthy and safe weight loss is losing between 0.45 to 0.9 kilograms per week, or half a kilo to kilograms per week, but it is possible for the body to lose more than this rate by combining a diet and exercise, and some may notice a rapid decline in the initial period, and this is considered normal; This is because the weight lost during this period is called water weight. [4]

This is because consuming fewer calories than the body burns causes the release of energy stores; Which is known as glycogen; Which is related to water, so when burning it as a source of energy, the body releases water, and it is lost at the beginning of the weight loss journey; Therefore, the amount of weight loss is greater, and it should be noted that rapid weight loss leads to a loss of water, muscle mass, and bones instead of fat loss, so experts have recommended the need to gradually lose weight. [4] [5]

How do I distinguish between losing fat and muscle when losing weight?
It may be better for people who are trying to lose weight not to rely on the scale to track their conditions, as they may sometimes be advised to focus on the amount of fat lost by the body instead of focusing on the number of kilograms, as the loss of fat leads to a change in the structure of the body, to increase the proportion of muscle, Which causes beneficial changes in the body that the scale does not show, and it is possible to know whether the body is losing fat in several ways, including: taking body measurements, or using a scale that measures the percentage of fat in the body, and other methods, [6] Taking body measurements gives information about the structure of the body. The body is more than the weight, and the greater the proportion of muscles in the body; The body was healthier, regardless of weight. [7]

It is not recommended to lose 10 kilograms in one week; Even if there are severe diets that achieve this, it is not safe at all; It causes a loss of muscle mass and important elements of the body, not just fat, noting that the scale is not always enough to judge weight loss; Perhaps the muscle mass made up for the lack of fat, and this is what the scale cannot show.

Factors associated with faster weight loss
There are some factors that may be associated with faster weight loss in some categories compared to others, including the following:

Men lose weight faster than women: men have a higher percentage of muscle tissue compared to women, and muscles burn more calories than fat tissue, so when men and women eat the same amount of calories; Men lose more weight, but this effect is short-term. When you continue with the diet, the percentage of weight loss becomes similar between men and women. [8]
Young people lose weight faster than adults: the process of losing weight may become more difficult with age, but this does not include everyone; As weight loss or gain varies from person to person, genes have a role in this, but in general it can be said that advancing in age slows down the body's metabolism and changes in hormones; Especially for women in menopause. [9]
People with higher weight lose weight faster than people with less weight: People who have a higher weight tend to lose more weight than people with less weight, but the percentage of weight loss for everyone is similar; For example: a person weighing 136 kilograms can lose 4.5 kilograms and a half in two weeks by reducing 500 calories from their daily consumption, while a person weighing 68 kilograms may lose 2.3 kilograms when reducing 500 calories for two weeks. [10]
How to follow a diet to lose weight
Knowing the calories needed for each person: The amount of calories a person needs per day varies based on several factors; such as his age, gender, weight, height, and daily activity, and the amount of calories that is recommended to be consumed varies according to the person's goal; That is, if everyone is trying to lose weight, maintain it, or increase it, but in general, women's daily caloric need is estimated between 1600-2400 calories, while men's need ranges between 2000 to 3000 calories, [11] and to lose weight, it is recommended to reduce Between 500-1000 calories of the daily calorie requirement, and this results in a loss of between half a kilogram to approximately one kilogram per week. [12]
Dividing calories into food groups: Eating a variety of foods from different food groups is important for maintaining health, as each food group contains nutrients important for health, and consuming the recommended quantities of these groups is linked to maintaining health, and we mention in the following these food groups, The recommended amounts from each group for a person who needs 2000 calories per day: [13]
food group Recommended quantity
vegetables Two and a half cups of fruits and their alternatives.
fruits Two cups of vegetables and their alternatives.
cereal 6 servings (one serving equals 28 grams of cereal alternatives)
Dairy products For children from 2 to 3 years old (2 cups), for children 4-8 years old (2 and a half cups), for people over 8 years old (3 cups).
Proteins 5 and a half servings (one serving equals 28 grams of protein alternatives).
oils 27 grams (or 5 teaspoons of oil)
As it has been noted, these rations are for 2000 calories, that is, they are not fixed for everyone. Therefore, visiting a nutritionist to determine the calories that the body needs and their quantities, and the appropriate way to lose weight is an essential and important matter, as the specialist will help to plan a healthy and viable diet, Taking into account the person's health condition, medical history, lifestyle, and choices. [14]
Follow a daily diet plan or program: Many magazines, websites, and television ads promote some diets that claim that they are suitable for all people, and in fact there is no one diet suitable for all people, some diets may be suitable for some people, but they may be harmful. for others, [15] but in general, as previously mentioned; In each main meal, a person needs a mixture of the food groups mentioned previously, and here is an example of how to distribute foods to meals to include all food groups in balanced quantities: [16]
The number of substitutes according to the daily calorie needs
the meal 1200 calories 1300 calories 1800 calories
One serving of carbohydrates
One serving of fruits
1 serving of milk
One serving of protein
One serving of carbohydrates
One serving of fruits
1 serving of milk
One serving of protein
Two servings of carbohydrates
One serving of fruits
1 serving of milk
One serving of protein
1 serving of fat
Snack One serving of fruits One serving of fruits One serving of fruits
the lunch
Two servings of carbohydrates
One serving of fruits
One serving of vegetables
One and a half servings of protein
Two servings of carbohydrates
One serving of fruits
One serving of vegetables
One and a half servings of protein
Two servings of carbohydrates
One serving of fruits
Half a portion of vegetables
Two servings of protein
Snack One serving of fruits One serving of fruits
One serving of fruits
1 serving of milk
the Dinner
One serving of carbohydrates
One serving of fruits
One serving of vegetables
One and a half servings of protein
Two servings of carbohydrates
One serving of vegetables
One and a half servings of protein
Two servings of carbohydrates
One serving of fruits
Half a portion of vegetables
Two servings of protein
Snack 1 serving of milk 1 serving of milk
1 serving of milk
One serving of carbohydrates
One serving of protein
Weight loss tips
Here are some effective methods that are recommended to be followed to lose weight: [17]

Follow intermittent fasting
following the intermittent fasting system; It is following a specific eating pattern, in which food is abstained for a short period on a regular basis, and meals are consumed during a shorter period of time during the day, and it has several methods, which are as follows: [17]

16/8 system; Where food is abstained for 16 hours, and eaten only during the eight-hour period, and this period can extend from noon to eight in the evening, and according to a study conducted on this system, eating food in specific periods led to the consumption of fewer calories Participants lost weight.
fasting day exchange system; Any fasting day after day, and in this system, only 25 to 30% of the calories consumed by the body are consumed during fasting days. As for the rest of the days, food is eaten normally, but it should be noted that overnutrition should be avoided, and a dietary pattern should be followed. Healthy during the days when there is no abstinence from food.
5:2 system; In this system, food is abstained for two out of seven days, and during fasting days, approximately 500 to 600 calories are eaten.
Track and record food and sports
It is a useful way to lose weight, as it makes people pay attention to what they consume during the day. [17]
Eat protein for breakfast
The hormonal effect of eating protein for breakfast can last for hours after eating it, and eating protein helps you feel full by regulating appetite hormones, often due to a decrease in the level of the hunger hormone; Which is known as ghrelin, and the high level of satiety hormones; peptide YY (English: Peptide YY), cholecystokinin (English: Cholecystokinin), and glucagon-like peptide-1; Which is known for short as GLP-1, and it is worth noting that good and high sources of protein must be chosen; Examples: oats, eggs, sardines, nut and seed butter, quinoa porridge, and chia seed pudding. [17]

Reduce consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates
As this type of carbohydrate does not contain fiber or nutrients; This is due to the processing and manufacturing processes, as it is quickly digested, and it is converted into glucose (in English: Glucose); whose height leads to an increase in weight; This is because it stimulates insulin to promote fat storage in adipose tissue. Examples of these refined carbohydrates are white rice, bread, and pasta. [17]

Other healthy lifestyle modifications
Other recommendations for making lifestyle changes to help lose weight in a healthy way include:

Increase fiber intake: such as: whole grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables; Since fiber increases the feeling of satiety, unlike starches and sugar, it is not digested by the small intestine, which may lead to weight loss. [17]
Take enough rest: Not sleeping enough can lead to hunger, and it becomes difficult to lose weight; This is because it enhances the secretion of the hormone ghrelin, and reduces the secretion of the satiety hormone; Which is known as leptin. [18]
Doing high intensity exercise: Incorporating high intensity interval traninig into a regular exercise pattern is one of the most effective ways to burn calories. [19]
Drinking a lot of water: instead of drinks full of sugar that cause obesity; Such as: flavored coffee, sports drinks, and soft drinks; Which contains hundreds of calories. [20]
Eat moderate amounts of healthy fats: such as avocado, nuts, olive oil, vegetable oils, and nut butters. 
