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Weight loss:Fastest weight loss exercises.

Fastest weight loss exercises
It is recommended to exercise to lose weight , and the following are some types of exercises that help: 

Breathing exercises: It is recommended to do breathing exercises along with aerobic exercises, which are good for cardiovascular health, and aerobic exercises improve heart rate and blood pumping. Aerobic exercises include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, and dancing.
Weight-bearing: Weight-bearing exercise melts fat, burns more calories, and builds muscle. Experts recommend doing this exercise three times a week.
Yoga: There is no tangible effect of yoga on weight loss, but according to a study, it was found that people who practice yoga are more aware of the types of foods they eat, and therefore less risk of obesity.
Swimming: Some research has shown that swimming burns 97% of the calories burned by cycling during the same period of time, but it burns 11% less than it burns during running, so the rate of burning calories depends on the intensity of the exercise. [2]
Strength exercises: They are one of the exercises that help build muscles and increase body strength, as some research has found that strength exercises have many health benefits, including burning fat, which leads to weight loss and reduction of visceral fat. It can increase calorie burning in the body by 7% within ten weeks of exercise, [3] and is the best way to burn fat and build muscle; Because the body continues to burn calories after completing the exercise, that is, the metabolism doubles at rest time. [4]
Aerobic activity: Aerobic activities can be practiced for at least 150 minutes a week to lose weight, as it is recommended to distribute the duration of exercise throughout the week, and exercise sessions should take at least 10 minutes.

The importance of exercise to lose weight
Exercising with an appropriate diet is an effective way to lose weight and reduce blood pressure and cholesterol level, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and some types of cancer such as colon and breast cancer, in addition to increasing a sense of self-confidence, which leads to a reduction in anxiety and depression rates. Exercising may increase metabolism, which increases the number of calories burned per day, and weight gain can lead to many serious health problems, so it is preferable to lose weight and maintain an ideal weight. [1]

Tips to help you stick to the sport
There are some tips that help a person commit to exercising, including: [6]

Set a set date for exercise early.
Exercising with another person.
Daily weight measurement .
Slow down and don't overdo your exercise.
Record the steps and exercises completed for motivation.
Health benefits of losing weight
Losing weight helps improve the mental and physical health of the individual, [7] as excess weight also affects social relationships and communication with others, the person's feelings and self-confidence, which affects his communication, and the following are some of the health benefits of weight loss: [8]

Reduces asthma and allergy symptoms: Excess weight contributes to an increase in asthma and allergy symptoms and places a burden on the adrenal glands that are important for controlling asthma and allergy symptoms, and also increases respiratory stress, which leads to an increase in asthma symptoms. [7]
Relieves pain caused by excess weight: most of the pressure resulting from weight gain is borne by the feet, so losing weight reduces the pressure on the feet, and it was shown in a study that losing a few grams of weight reduces foot pain by 83%. [7]
Relieves arthritis: Some studies have indicated that losing weight improves arthritis pain. [7]
Relieves symptoms of diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is associated with obesity , so losing weight has a good effect on type 2 diabetes, in a study conducted on type 2 diabetics who followed a calorie restricted diet, an improvement in blood sugar levels appeared. And activate the secretion of insulin within seven days. [7]
Improves mood: Some people who are overweight suffer from severe depression, which can increase weight, so losing weight can increase self-confidence and reduce depression, and relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Because the loss of adipose tissue can positively affect the hormonal balance. [7]
Reduces the risk of cancer: Cancer can cause a type of inflammation that disease causes due to obesity, and inflammation levels may decrease with a loss of only 5% of body weight. [8]
Improves the sense of taste: A study showed that people who suffer from excess weight have a weak sense of taste, as the taste buds wither due to frequent use, so losing weight improves taste. 
