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Weight loss:Recipes to burn fat quickly.

Recipes to burn fat quickly:

Burn fat and lose weight
Although there are an endless number of diets and nutritional supplements that promise to lose weight very quickly, most of them lack any scientific evidence. In fact, there is no healthy way to help burn fat and lose weight at an unimaginable speed. A varied and balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, proteins and whole grains (in English: Whole grains), in addition to a healthy diet, and it is assumed that 30 minutes a day be devoted to exercise. [1] It is worth noting that all people need to know how to burn fat and lose weight in a healthy way; Because everyone without exception is prone to gaining weightEspecially with age, since the metabolism becomes slower in the body as a result of several factors, such as lack of physical activity and a decrease in muscle mass, which leads to the accumulation of fats that are difficult to get rid of. [2]

Recipes to burn fat quickly
Some foods and recipes stimulate the action of some hormones, and increase metabolism in the body, and it should be noted that some foods need a lot of calories to be digested, but although the foods that will be mentioned help to burn fat, this does not mean that you can eat them. In large quantities; Because this will certainly lead to weight gain, but making these foods a part of the diet is a right choice since it helps burn fat: [3]

Proteins: There are many foods that contain proteins, which the body needs a lot of calories to digest, and proteins stimulate the production of anabolic hormones such as testosterone and insulin-like growth factor. 1) In short (in English: IGF-1), which in turn stimulates the storage of amino acids, and the burning of fats.
Eggs: It is recommended to eat eggs half an hour after waking up from sleep, as they contain vitamin B12, which breaks down fats and helps burn them, and eggs increase the feeling of satiety and the lack of need for food, and in addition, it is a good source of proteins .
Hot pepper: Hot pepper burns fat since it increases the heart rate and increases metabolism in the body, as well as curry, it burns fat, but its effect may not be noticeable when added to potatoes and trans fats.
Garlic: as it expands blood vessels, thus increasing the transfer of nutrients to muscles and other organs, it also contributes to the elimination of bacteria, and helps prevent diseases and lose weight, and therefore garlic supplements are used, since garlic reduces fat storage.
Ginger: It increases the thermal effect of all foods, that is, it increases the body's need to use calories to burn fat, and it also prevents sudden hunger.
Caffeine: Caffeine is considered effective in burning fat, and therefore it is used in the manufacture of many fat-burning supplements, and since these supplements are dangerous, it is preferable to drink coffee in moderate quantities. This is done by increasing the levels of some neurotransmitters in the body, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, but care must be taken not to drink large amounts of coffee, and to avoid adding sugar and cream to it.
Green tea: Green tea contains caffeine, but to a lesser extent than black tea and coffee , and it also contains xanthines. But the reason green tea is able to burn fat is that it contains a type of antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, which has been found to have fat-burning properties.
Oats: where is the oats source of healthy fibers that feel human satiety, and need not to eat, as it slows down the absorption of sugars, so the oats reduces the speed of the arrival of sugars into the bloodstream.
Coconut oil: Coconut oil increases the levels of ketones in the body, which can be used as a source of energy in the body, which reduces the craving for food, and coconut oil increases metabolism in the body, making it an alternative It is better than other oils used in cooking for weight loss.
Dark chocolate: where containing chocolate dark caffeine and theobromine ( in English: Theobromine), one of the types of vehicles xanthine, and reduce the intake of dark chocolate tension known Balchortizul hormone levels ( in English: Cortisol) associated with weight gain, as they contain the amount of sugars less by half From the amount of sugars found in regular chocolate, it is recommended to choose dark chocolate containing 70% cocoa or more.
Causes of fat and weight gain
The method used by the individual to lose weight varies based on the circumstances he faces and the behaviors he practices, and the best way to start is to identify the factors that cause weight gain, and we mention among these factors: [4]

Eating foods and drinks that contain large amounts of sugars and fats.
Eat plenty of refined grains.
Eat a lot of high-calorie snacks.
Heavy reliance on foods that are prepared outside the home.
Drink a lot of alcohol .
Eating food in front of the TV or mobile screen.
Neglecting the main meals and eating large quantities during one meal.
Continuing to drink high-calorie coffee, juices and soda.
Eating for emotional reasons.
General fat burning tips
In addition to paying attention to food, there are many methods that can be followed to burn fat and lose weight, such as: [5]

Start with strength exercises such as weightlifting exercises .
Get adequate amounts of sleep .
Increasing the exercises that strengthen the heart muscle, which is known as aerobic and cardio exercises .
Doing high-intensity interval training.
taking probiotics; It is a type of beneficial gut bacteria , which can be ingested through supplements or food sources.
Increasing the amounts of iron consumed.
Add vinegar to the diet.
