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Weight loss:The best time to exercise to burn fat.

Opinions differ between science and studies about the best time to exercise, but what is agreed upon is the importance of exercising, regardless of what time of the day it was exercised, but it must be taken into account to choose the time that fits with the personal daily plans, in order to ensure the ability On commitment and continuity, as making sure to exercise at the same time every day is one of the important factors to reach the desired goal. [1]

Benefits of exercising in the morning
Exercising in the morning has many benefits, including the following:

Increased fat burning: In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2013, in which 12 healthy men participated, it was found that exercising on an empty stomach may increase the body's ability to burn calories and fat, but this effect was not shown to be stable in the long term. . [2]
Improving sleep quality: A study published in Vascular Health and Risk Management in 2014, in which 20 people at risk of high blood pressure participated, indicated that exercising early in the morning is one of the most beneficial times in improving sleep and its quality, and morning exercise also contributed to improving sleep quality. Participants' blood pressure levels. [3]
The ability to control appetite: In a study published in the Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise in 2012, to find out the extent of women's appetite for food after exercising in the morning, 18 women of normal weight and 17 women suffering from obesity participated, the results showed that exercise has Contribute to reducing appetite for food. [4]

Benefits of exercising in the evening
Here are some of the benefits of exercising in the evening:

Improving athletic performance: A review published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports in 2010 indicated that the body's performance of exercise is better in the evening, as it shows improvement in muscle function, strength , and endurance, but this effect does not appear in days TE weather is hot. [5]
Reducing the risk of injury: The body's ability to show quick reactions is better in the evening, which is important, especially for those who practice high-intensity interval training, or brisk walking on the treadmill . Treadmill), and late at night when heart rate and blood pressure are at their lowest, reducing the risk of injury when exercising. [1]
Target heart rate in exercises to burn fat
Heart rate levels during exercise vary according to the intensity of exercise, and these levels depend on the maximum heart rate; It is the number that expresses the highest number of heart beats per minute, and based on these levels, the body determines the energy system that it uses during exercise, which affects the calories that are burned. [6]

Where the levels of heart rate for burning fat are related to less intense exercises, because the body then depends on more stored fat, unlike high intensity exercises in which carbohydrates are the main source of energy, [6] and the heart rate expresses to burn fat; about the rate at which a person's heart beats per minute to obtain the maximum rate of burning fat, and when this rate is reached, the body burns more stored fat than sugar and other carbohydrates , so people focus on reaching this rate of heartbeat during exercise; To burn the maximum amount of fat. [7]

Types of exercise to burn fat
Exercise is one of the most common ways to lose weight, along with diet, as it helps burn calories; Which plays an important role in losing weight, and the following are the types of exercise to burn fat: [8]

Walking: In a study published in the Journal of exercise nutrition & biochemistry in 2014, and lasted for 12 weeks, in which 20 obese women participated, it was found that walking of moderate intensity, for a period ranging between 50-70 minutes, three times a week, contributed to Significantly reduce subcutaneous abdominal fat and visceral fat. [9]
Jogging or running: A 2007 review in the International journal of obesity noted; that jogging may help burn harmful visceral fat, which is known as the rumen, [10] where this fat collects around the internal organs, and its presence is associated with an increased risk of many chronic diseases; Such as heart disease, diabetes. [8]
Yoga: In a study published in Deutsches Ärzteblatt International in 2016, and lasted 12 weeks, in which 60 women suffering from obesity in the abdominal area participated, it was noted that practicing yoga twice a week, for a period of 90 minutes, contributed to a decrease in waist circumference by an average of 3.8 centimeters. [11]
Swimming: Swimming is one of the easy exercises to lose weight, as it can improve the flexibility of the body, and reduce the risk factors associated with many diseases. [8]

General fat burning tips
Here are some tips that may contribute to promoting fat burning: [12]

Eat breakfast: does not help to miss breakfast on weight loss, on the contrary, it may lead to a feeling of hunger throughout the day, and increase the chance of eating snacks more, and miss breakfast causes a lack of essential nutrients that can be obtained from this meal.
Drink enough water: People sometimes confuse the feeling of hunger and thirst, as this causes the consumption of excess calories when one glass of water is all that a person needs.
Eating more fiber: Fiber expands in the stomach, and it takes time to digest it, which means feeling full for a longer time, so it is recommended to focus on eating fiber-rich whole grains, vegetables, and whole fruits. [13]
Sleep: Lack of sleep is associated with an increased risk of obesity, a 2008 review published in the journal Sleep found; Lack of sleep increases the body mass index (BMI) in both children and adults. 
