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Weight loss:Fat burning drinks.

Green tea
Several studies have been conducted on the benefit of green tea and its role in reducing body fat levels, especially in the abdominal area, including a study on 240 men and women, and lasted for twelve weeks. It was noted from this experiment that the group that drank green tea had A significant decrease in weight, and in fat percentages as well, especially abdominal fat, and in the waist circumference, [1] Some laboratory and animal studies published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2010 showed that the components of green tea reduce fat percentage and increase calorie burning. [2]

It is indicated that the caffeine in green tea increases calorie burning, and according to the Office of Dietary Supplements, drinking 100 milligrams of caffeine burns about 9 calories [2] , but despite studies that have proven the effectiveness of green tea in burning fat, there are studies It denied its effectiveness and its role in burning fat in the body. [1]

Water is one of the good drinks for burning fat, because it maintains high metabolic levels, and reduces calories in the body, in addition to helping to expel body toxins. As for the amount of water to drink per day, it is possible to drink two to three liters per day, and it is preferable That the water be warm. [3]

Coffee and linen mixture
Some drinks reduce fat, for example, coffee with flax; Since coffee reduces weight; Because it contains caffeine, flax reduces insulin resistance, and thus helps to lose weight . It should be noted that dark chocolate can also be used in the drink; This is because it absorbs fatty acids and improves digestion. However, it must be taken into account not to drink more than one or two cups per day of this drink. [4]

the ingredients
A teaspoon of coffee.
A teaspoon of flax seeds.
Half a teaspoon of grated dark chocolate.
cup of hot water.
How to prepare
Add coffee and flaxseeds to a cup of hot water, stirring well.
Add the grated chocolate to the cup and stir the ingredients.
cucumber juice
Drinking a glass of cucumber juice before each meal helps to lose weight; Because it reduces appetite, removes toxins and fat cells from the body, in addition to being a natural diuretic. [5]

the ingredients
A piece of sliced ​​cucumber.
The juice of half a lemon.
A quarter of a teaspoon of black salt.
How to prepare
Mix the cucumber pieces in the blender, then pour the cucumber juice into a glass cup.
Add black salt, lemon juice, and stir well.
