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Weight loss:Burn fat without diet.

The problem of fat accumulation is one of the health problems facing both men and women, and there are many factors behind it, including: eating foods rich in fat in large quantities, lack of exercise, and drinking water, and to get rid of them many individuals resort to surgical procedures However, natural recipes or exercise can be resorted to, and in this article we will talk about how to burn it without a diet.

Recipes to burn fat without dieting
Cumin and ginger
the ingredients:

Two teaspoons of cumin powder, cinnamon powder and ginger powder.
quarter cup of lemon juice.
a glass of water. 

How to prepare:
Mix cumin, cinnamon, ginger, and water on the fire.
Leave the mixture on a low heat for a quarter of an hour or until it boils.
Remove the mixture from the heat, and leave it to cool completely.
Add lemon juice and mix for two minutes, then drink the mixture three times a day before eating the three main meals.
Oil mixture
the ingredients:

A quarter cup of olive oil
A quarter cup of Hassa Alban oil.
A quarter cup of fenugreek oil.
A quarter cup of green tea oil.
A quarter cup of chamomile oil.
A quarter cup of dandelion oil.
How to prepare:

Mix olive oil, fenugreek oil, fenugreek oil, green tea oil, dandelion oil, and chamomile oil.
Apply the mixture on the buttocks and abdomen, massage it for at least a quarter of an hour, and repeat the process once a day for a month.
water and lemon
the ingredients:

Four cups of water.
two big spoons of lemon juice.
How to prepare:

Mix lemon juice, and water on the fire.
Leave the mixture on a low heat for two minutes or until it warms up a little.
Remove the mixture from the fire, leave it to cool, and then drink it at least once a day.
drenched anise
the ingredients:

a glass of water.
A handful of anise.
How to prepare:

Mix the water, and anise on the fire, then leave the mixture until it boils.
Remove the mixture from the fire, filter it well, and drink it three times a day.
Green tea and mint
the ingredients:

a glass of water.
Three sticks of fresh mint.
A handful of green tea.
How to prepare:

Mix water, fresh mint, and green tea together.
Drink the mixture three times a day, before starting the main meals.
fat burning tips
Drink plenty of water, especially in hot weather, and it is preferable to drink at least ten cups a day.
Avoid drinking soft or sweetened drinks, as they contain a high percentage of sugar.
Chew food slowly, and this method helps to increase satiety.
Exercising regularly, preferably for half an hour a day.
Sleeping enough hours, eight hours is preferred for an adult.
Eating more fruits and vegetables.
